Individuals with justice involvement deserve an opportunity to have their cases heard and judged fairly.
They deserve to learn, grow, and change in a supportive environment. Rikers Island is the antithesis of these aims, which is why The Fortune Society is a long-time advocate for its closure. Since our founding, Fortune has believed that incarceration and detention should be options of last resort.
Our takes a close look at the many nuanced aspects of closing Rikers. It contextualizes its place in the larger conversation regarding justice reform, which includes bail reform, speedy trial, and alternatives to incarceration. And it sheds light on the work that The Fortune Society has done in all of these efforts, thanks to your support and commitment to our mission.
Support like yours has:
– Driven efforts to close Rikers Island jail complex and replace it with a network of human-centered, modern, and safe facilities;
– Diverted individuals away from the criminal justice system through holistic alternatives to incarceration programs
– Prepared individuals on Rikers Island and in the community for success through career development; and
– Connected individuals with justice involvement and chronic health needs with healthcare.
Since 1967, we have been a voice to the voiceless, encouraging the community to truly embody core values: That people are innocent until proven guilty; that we all deserve and need opportunities to succeed; that we should treat others the way we want to be treated; and that we should not be defined for the rest of our lives by our worst mistake, decision, or action.
More insight from powerful voices awaits you in our latest issue. We hope it affirms your commitment to helping us ensure that everyone, regardless of their past, finds a supportive community to call home.