
What are the challenges that people with justice involvement and their communities face, and what reforms are needed to empower them? Our podcast “Inside Fortune,” hosted by Founder David Rothenberg, delves into these questions through interviews with people directly impacted by the criminal justice system. 

Tune into the episodes below, or listen on Spotify and Apple Podcasts

Episode 2

Episode 1


Our Director of Creative Arts and many of our community artists joined host Rashida Ricketts on her podcast “Graves to Gardens” for a feature on the transformative role that the arts play not only in the process of re-entry but also with respect to mental health.

View all episodes of Graves to Gardens on Spotify


Founder David Rothenberg speaks Julia Lazareck from Prison: the Hidden Sentence about the beginnings and impact Fortune has had over the year.

Listen now on Apple Podcasts or  Google Podcasts.

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