To help people impacted by incarceration gain digital skills, we are partnering with Google to launch the Grow with Google Career Readiness for Reentry program. The 3-week job readiness program will focus on improving fundamental digital skills such as how to apply for jobs online and create a resume, along with more advanced topics including entrepreneurship and business budgeting. With these new skills, those reentering society can better navigate the digital world and connect with job opportunities.
The program is being run by one of Fortune’s highly skilled Vocational Instructors, Bryan. A former client, Bryan went through our job readiness workshop and became a Fortune Fellow before being hired in our Employment Services department. A lot of his work has been shaping the Grow with Google program for our clients, and he now instructs participants in navigating Google applications.
When clients begin our digital literacy courses, many have had little to no exposure to modern technology. Our program is designed so that participants with varying levels of experience can gain necessary digital skills. Instructors like Bryan work at the pace of the participants in the courses. He takes extra time to help those with less experience and encourages those with more experience to help each other.
Participants can start at the beginning, learning how to log into a computer or phone, setting up an email address, and joining Zoom calls. During instruction, they can follow along to complete various tasks, like sending emails, adding files to Google Drive, and creating Docs. Participants are shown how to use different Google features on both the computer and phone so they can stay connected online.
Once participants finish the 3-week program, they will know how to email, create new documents, and use Google applications. From here, they can join more advanced workshops like business budgeting and entrepreneurship.
To learn more about our partnership with Google, read our previous blog. For more information on our Employment Services, head to our Services page on our website.