Sunday, January 26, 2025
2 PM
New York Society for Ethical Culture
Purchase ticketsJoin us on January 26 at 2:00pm for a special performance of David Rothenberg’s autobiographical play about his life in the theater business, Namedropping:
‘NAMEDROPPING, Rothenberg’s collection of experiences with names above titles gives us the pleasure of entering a world of glamour…he is unassuming and outgoing, a man with great charm and warmth, all of which is apparent in NAMEDROPPING.’”
New York Daily News
Rothenberg’s show (NAMEDROPPING) is abut his 50 years in the theatre…a loose and charming evening…his tales of working with Bette Davis and Elizabeth Taylor (among others) is delightfully intimate.”
The New Yorker
“NAMEDROPPPING delivers revealing anecdotes about Richard Burton, Fay Wray, Mel Torme, producer Alexander H Cohen, George C Scoot (and many others). Anyone who likes show business stories should enjoy this show. Rothenberg has a way with an audience.”
New York Times
$15 Society Members
$20 Public